PodCraft | How to Podcast & Craft a Fantastic Show

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The Podcast Host

18 December 2018

49m 29s

The Podcast Host 2018 End of Year Review



As another year draws to a close, we sit down to chat through the last 12 months at The Podcast Host Towers. What went well? What didn't? And what do we have planned for the future?

In terms of big milestones this year, we had the long-awaited launch of Alitu - The Podcast Making App, the switch up of The Podcast Host Academy to an annual membership, the launch of our Podcast Launch Service, and we brought down the curtain on this first season of our space-science audio drama documentary podcast Hostile Worlds.

We put out an updated version of season 1 of this very podcast during 2018 too. Now known as season 10, it's all about how to launch your first episode, and focuses on everything you need to do to get it out there.

We've also been keen to take on highly-produced projects as part of our Podcast Production Service. This year we had the pleasure of working on Inside Indie Games, on behalf of the UK Games Fund, and The Converge Challenge Podcast. If you'd like to work with us on a highly-produced podcasting project of your own, then we'd love to hear from you.

Colin talked through some of his highs and lows this year, from his Podcast movement and Inbound trips, as well as designing the Alitu interface, to his "failed" live video attempts, and the headache of trying to recruit new developers.

In 2018 we also attempted to establish the Scottish Podcasters Meetup, but it didn't pick up the momentum we were hoping for, and we eventually gave up on it. There's still hope though, as Colin is talking to someone about potentially taking it over.

On the industry-wide side of things, we tried to refrain from making any predictions (cliched, cynical, or otherwise), but gave a nod to the unsurprising fact that many great audio drama shows are now being developed for television.

Finally, we'd like to wish you all the very best for the holiday period, and for 2019!

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